Anna Vienna Ho - Pianist/Soprano/Composer
B i o g r a p h y (Singer)
The Hong Kong pianist, Anna Vienna Ho, received an Advanced Postgraduate Diploma and her Master of Music in Piano Performance with distinction from Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, where she was a recipient of numerous awards and scholarships, including Malcolm John Bullock Memorial Trust Award, Birmingham Conservatoire Association Award and Royal Birmingham Conservatoire International Students Scholarship.
Besides developing a career as a concert pianist, Anna has also performed actively as a vocalist. She has studied voice with Klemens Cheng and Helen Field. In 2012, she was chosen as the soprano solo in Britten's A Ceremony of Carols and performed the work with the HKBU Choir.
Passionate about opera, Anna has participated in different opera performances in Hong Kong and the UK. She has sung the role of Giannetta in L'elisir d'amore, Frasquita in Carmen for Musica Viva, The Third Apparition in Verdi's Macbeth for Opera In A Box and Gherardino in Puccini's Gianni Schicchi for the London Gay Symphony Orchestra. Other operas she has sung within include Bellini's Norma, Verdi's La Traviata, Puccini's La Bohème, Bizet’s Carmen, Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana and Leoncavallo's Pagliacci for Midland Opera, Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, Bizet’s Carmen, Handel's Giulio Cesare, Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda, Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors and Mozart’s Don Giovanni for Musica Viva, Puccini's Suor Angelica for Random Opera and Don Pasquale for Opera Novella, etc.
Anna was the prize winner of international and national

competitions. She won the first prize of the Soprano Solo Open (Mollie Mellor Trophy) and the Top Prize of the Final (Mabel Whitely Rose Bowl) in the Holmfirth Musical Festival. In March 2017, she won the first prize of the Operatic Solo (Neale Harrison Trophy), Oratorio Solo (Newcastle Music Festival Trophy), Lieder Solo (G A Salmon Trophy) and Vocal Challenge Solo (Dorothy Jones Memorial Trophy) in Newcastle-U-Lyme Festival of Music. She is the winner of the Musical Comedy or Light Opera (Lake City Cup) and Traditional Folk Song Solo (John Wynne Porter Trophy) in the Leamington Spa Competitive Festival. In 2019, she won the first prize of the Oratorio Solo (The Gaydon Cup) in the Hounslow Festival of Music. She won the first prize of the Operatic (The Karan Simmons Trophy), German Lieder (The Margaret Thomas Trophy), French Melodies (The Petheram-Davies Trophy), Musical Theatre (The Sheila Rice Trophy) and Recital Class (Phil Rawlings Trophy) in the Longwell Green & Kingswood Performing Arts Festival. Recently, she won the Oratorio Trophy in the Coulsdon and Purley Festival. She won all the Classical Singing classes and was the overall winner(The Garth and Elizabeth Cup) of the Basingstoke Music Festival. She was the 3rd prize winner in the Accord International Music Competition 2021.